A&D Register - Hotel Register - visitor Books
A&D Register For Hotel Gust Record Maintain by hotel owners. Printtrade make best quality hotel register and A&D register. User also called hotel register with many name like Gust Register, Hotel register, A&D Register, Visitors Books.
An arrival and departure register in a hotel is a log book or a computer-based system where guests check in and check out. It records basic information about the guests such as name, address, date of arrival, date of departure, and room number. The information recorded in the arrival and departure register helps the hotel to keep track of guests' stays and manage room assignments. It also provides a record of guests' stays for legal, accounting, and security purposes.
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A&D Register For Hotel Gust Record Maintain by hotel owners. Printtrade make best quality hotel register and A&D register. User also called hotel register with many name like Gust Register, Hotel register, A&D Register, Visitors Books.Printtrade Make Best Quality Hotel Register With Hotel Name & Logo Printing. Hotel Register prescribed under Schedule 'A' of Annexure II for keeping place of public entertainment in the NCR Delhi & All India. Hotel Register Printed on Extra Thick 110Gsm Sun Shine Super Printing Paper with Full Drill Cloth and Leather Raxine Binding As per Ministry of Home Affairs Guidelines. An Ideal register for All Hotels, Lodges, Guest Houses, Sarais for keeping record of Guests Printtrade Delivered Our All Products in All Over India
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